This me at dinner in San Francisco last Semptember

Some time ago my friend Mario, who never writes comments but reads friends’ blogs, called me saying:

“Is this coffee talk going anywhere?”

He referred to my posts and to the dialogues with my readers. We make fun of each other since we were 14, so it is all right. But since my blog has reached a bit more than 100 writings (105,) a little celebration is appropriate together with a sort of assessment of whether this is really just coffee writing. I have then thought to answer him officially in this way.

I’ll write a few blog or site maps [update: see the 1rst] containing reasoned summaries of the ideas expressed in the Man of Roma’s blog, with links to the corresponding posts, notes and conversations.

These posts will not be written in tight succession – it would be too heavy – and will be to the benefit of those interested in finding their bearings in our “coffee musings” – an interesting American blog is called Café Philos, a nice name it’d be vile to steal.

Not that Mario needs any answer. He already had many on the phone, with four-letter words. Our classroom style btw, a bit unleashed to tell the truth.

We were all males, the only unhappy exception in our school due to the headmaster’s unfathomable genius, so we lacked that element of moderation, gentleness – the woman –  that makes boys a little bit more civilised (and careful.)

I remember the last time (one year ago) we had a classroom celebration at a restaurant. Imagine ten well-dressed professional-looking 60-year-old men sitting at an elegant restaurant table in down town Rome and turning gradually into 10 unleashed kids once food and especially wine had started to work on us.

The waitress who was serving our table had to blush a few times. She of course was one of the targets of our joyful (and childish) attention. A couple of us especially are socially unacceptable – Marken Albus, for example – whenever they find their old buddies back. I confess I sometimes felt terribly embarrassed. But I’m being a bit hypocritical. I had huge fun and, who knows, the waitress a bit too perhaps, since she was blushing though smiling at us and I think she kept coming to our table more often than necessary.

The show was actually unusual. I doesn’t happen all the time to see ten apparently serious 60-year-old men turn into absolute morons and behave like kids.

When we are together we are bad, very bad. Fortunately it doesn’t happen very often.

(to be continued)

37 thoughts on “100 Posts. I’ll Celebrate My Own Way. 1

  1. MoR, if you are Franciscan then I’m a Lama.
    Congratulation for your 100th annivesary.


    1. It’s the Franciscan Crab restaurant in San Francisco, 43 1/2 Pier. I am there with family, celebrating. Yes, I’m not Franciscan, I’m Epicurean, but I remind you that to Epicure material pleasures mattered much less that spiritual ones … 🙂

      Thanks Paul


  2. If you can’t have a few “Partners in Crime” to laugh with, it takes the joy out of life! I enjoyed hearing of your childish behavior 😉

    I meant to get back here and comment sooner, but have been sick for almost 2 weeks. I have some catching up to do!


    1. Don’t worry Janet, I post once a week so you can always catch up. ‘Partners in crime’? Oh yes, I could tell so many anecdotes, but I don’t want to totally change the nature of my blog 😉 Ciao!


  3. Well done on passing the 100th post mark.
    I’ll not comment on the teachers’ celebration style – seems to be a boy thing!!!
    But as long as it was fun and harmless …why not…


    1. Yes, a boy thing! I’m kinda ashamed I posted that, sometimes I get carried away while writing. But yes, it was harmless after all. By the way, your blog is very inspiring, telling of places so different from here!


      1. I don’t know where Anshul lives but here in Canada Indian summer is a short warm spell, 2 or three days in a row, usually at the very beginning of November. The legend has it that the First Nations people knew then that it was time to do final preparations for winter that would soon start.


        1. Well, Anshul is from the Indian subcontinent. He might live in New Delhi, but I’m not sure. He’s very witty and a cartoonist. First Nations, interesting. I’ve read that aboriginal Americans like to be called like that in Canada instead of Indians.


          1. That’s right. It attests to the fact that they were here long before the white man. And they were not the “savages” that the first Europeans depicted. They had political, social and relgious organisations and some, between hunting and gathering expeditions, lived in villages. In South America some cities numbered in the 6 figures when Columbus arrived, and Vespucci before him. Not to mention Cabot and Leif Ericksson and probably Chen He or Ho.


  4. @Paul

    Fascinating. Last night I saw a film on TV called ‘Pathfinder’ (2007). I seldom watch TV but I was caught by some absurd though beautiful Viking helms so I continued watching. The film, terribly violent, about a fictional war between the Vikings and the native Americans (I think in Canada,) was though visually attractive. It depicted a good social organization of the American natives. Of course, in Central and South America much greater cultures (civilizations) did develop.
    I read the marvellous books by the American historian William H. Prescott (The Conquest of Mexico, the Conquest of Peru.) With admirable classical style he objectively narrates events whose magnitude is not inferior to what was narrated by Titus Livius. He was born in 1796 and died in 1859.


  5. More than Franciscan, thou art a cultured Benedictine epicurean.

    Come stai , frate’? Auguri per il centenario e mi raccomando, alcool a fiumi.



    1. Epicurean ok, but why Benedectine? I hope frate’ means brother, not friar. Grazie per gli auguri Lola bella, e quanto all’alcol non ci sono problemi, già ci sto dando giù col limoncello.


  6. It didn’t.


    Happy 105. Get drunk. Get outta here. Have fun. Get a lap dance. Do something!


    1. You know that in a recent survey Italians resulted the most moderated drinkers in Europe? So that is what you do in North America when you wanna have fun … lap dance? Not for me man … 😉


      1. Nah. Not for me either.

        BUT I did know that about Italians. I think I read it in The Economist years ago.

        That’s the beauty of Italian diet: they seem to take things in stride and moderation. Not like us here. Everything has to be big, compensated with sugar and gulped down.

        It’s why espresso remains pretty much an obscurity. But specialty coffees are a hit:

        For example, moka-moka-java-espresso with whip cream, caramel and choco-bits in a larger than large cup.

        Not an actual drink but this is the sort of stuff people tend to go for. Me? Straight latte cafe or espresso. Sometimes with sambuca, sometimes macchiato. But always simple. In the summer, make espresso old style, chill it, add ice and drink. It’s long to make but worth it. None of those fabricated ones for me.


        1. Not like us here. Everything has to be big

          Allow me to say that – except for food – I do love this. Everything is moderate here, according to a classical tradition: the simpler (and the smaller) the better. I mean, why life should be that moderate? Life is one! I know I’m contradicting myself, but new and old world are made to bewitch each other. Ok, now Chrysler has problems. But I confess I loved to cruise California with that gigantic, incredible car!

          I’m reading a history of NYC. People like Trump, or just take Henry Clay Frick: as early as 1891-2 his company only produced a quantity of steel comparable to half of the entire British steel production! In 1892! You are the real children of Dionysus, not us!


          1. Yes, it has its merits. I didn’t mean to denigrate it. 15 years ago we had a friend from Grosseto visit. One summer we decided to take him to Florida by driving down.

            We hopped in our car blasting rock music – I actually remember the band ‘Bad Company’ and the song was ‘Feel like making love’.

            Anyway, I’ll never forget something he said. “THIS is America! Friends, rock and freedom!” It was one big Bruce Springsteen song.

            I think he captured the essence of a place that cherishes staying young.

            He loved Florida by the way. MGM Studios, South Beach, hurricanes – the trip had it all. He was hooked on Miami Subs and McDonald’s.


          2. Yes, a great country, no doubts about it. So I’ll use and American expression now: time soon for me to hit the sack man 🙂

            It’s a while I don’t comment at your blog (some posts were too political or sort of.) I’ll be back.


    1. Now you make me blush, my sweet Indian lady…. 😉 I might insert the mummy back though. Outing time has limits, due to some posts I want to write …. Thank you my Bangla Lady!


  7. Hey congrats man! 🙂

    And i Wish that when i Turn 60 i too have such “cool” friends to get embarrased with! 🙂

    cheers! 🙂


  8. Congrats for your 100th post. It is a landmark in blogging journey.

    Keep more of your posts coming!

    P.S: I have visited Cafe Philos for quite some time now, and subscribe him (his blog. I enjoy his blog a lot. 🙂


    1. Thank you Poonam. A celebration with a comment of yours is a tradition I cherish. Yes, Cafe Philos is a very interesting blog. I subscribed too.


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